Photo of Tracey L Samples Licensed Massage Therapist

Tracey L. Samples, LMT

My job is to follow YOUR path to balance and wellness.


Hi, I’m Tracey!

A licensed massage therapist with over 35 years of experience, I use integrative customization to provide holistic bodywork and massage therapy to clients in straightforward, non-judgmental sessions helping them achieve balance and relief from muscular issues.

As a former member of the U.S. Military, trust, respect and professionalism are values I hold in the utmost esteem. I am grateful everyday for the difference I can make in the lives of my clients. With each visit, clients have my full attention and my dedication to their personal well-being. My on-going professional development keeps me fresh and accountable.

Personally, I practice what I preach in scheduling regular bodywork and balancing my work and personal life. As a breast cancer “thriver”, I value spending time with family and friends. My partner and I are "food geeks" and cruisers who love furry friends, volunteering and traveling.


By utilizing integrative customization, I provide holistic bodywork sessions that help you achieve balance and relief.

Tracey working bodywork session with clien

Health is a lifelong journey

Bodywork sessions offer benefits to help your overall wellbeing.

Tracey is a master at her craft. Her knowledge of the body in conjunction with her deep sense of awareness and ability to connect is what makes her truly unique. After an injury to my groin she helped my body heal. I was walking no time. I highly recommend her!!!
— David Lopez Robles
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Graduated Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College

Central Florida School of Massage Therapy

Member, American Massage Therapy Association
1999 - Current

License: MA 45897/MM 41248